These are some of the members of the Mpls./St. Paul darkside community. Their levels of interest and involvement vary from person to person, and most of these people have the Darkside e-list in common. Some of them just come out to dance and see shows; others of them are aggressive enterpreneurs intent on seeing the scene flourish; still others don't know they're even listed here and I had to compile a bio for them based on rumor and hearsay.
Akillianna | Arsen | Blitzkrieg | Civitas | Daarker | Danarchy | Dirge | Doktor Fetish | Dusty | Eiregirl | ella | Eve Ghost | Feigal, Matt | Feigal, Sharon | Foster, Clint | gabaod | Grundstrom, Tyan | Jason | jonjon | Karissah | kat vicious | Lady Annik | Laser Bitch | Legion | Leyda, Jeff | Lila | Lux | Moirha | Miss Delirium | Neotropic | notTHATtodd | Paskow | Pied Piper | Rahna | Riawa | Sabrina Quid | seriphal | SeXi LeXi | Solace | sxoidmal | Thaadd | Twink | Vagabond Girl | Wardrope, Todd | worm | xian
antipathy | Ben | Chrishawn | DejaVoo | Demodave | Fisher, Paul | frigid siberia | Jj | Lorien
Do you live in the Twin Cities? Do you come out to the clubs with any frequency? Do you just have a couple Cure tapes? Do you wish you did? Submit your bio to MSP Goth/Rivet!
This directory ©1999 sxoidmal/the Dread Reverend. All rights reserved.
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