(secondhand info) - Upon return from Sweden, Thaadd had a tempestuous social career in a wonderful household in Mpls.; however, she has since lapsed into hermitage and not much is known about her.
(direct source) - "I was drawn to this once unfamiliar city in March 2002, intent on finding my tribe. I play tribal percussion for Apocalypse Theatre. I dance (rather poorly) at Hard Mondays and sometimes Ground Zero. I'm often seen terrifying small children with a creepy bear mask."
(direct source) -
Name: Leslie
Other Monikers: aphonia, black eyed angel, silence, syzygy, vagabond girl... too many others to mention. I've been around a while.
Age: Old enough, goddamn it.
Where you can find me online: alt.music.radiohead, http://www.pyramidsong.co.uk, http://aphonia.livejournal.com and a few other places.
What do I think of the "scene"?: I've watched it from so many different vantage points over the years that it's hard to say whether I love it or hate it. I'm certainly not indifferent to it, that's for sure.
Things done: Zines, conventions, travelling, giving birth, too many "relationships", and a hell of a lot of history.
Todd Wardrope
(direct source) -
Poet: http://producers.mtn.org/ca/corvus.html
Filmmaker: http://producers.mtn.org/ca/nuada.html
Human Being: http://producers.mtn.org/ca/todd.html
"Hmm. I've been here too long. I'm in the shadows there still, plotting doom. Of who or what?
"Nothing in particular. Nothing in particular."
(secondhand info) - All things corrode, all things rot; the state of entropy is as ubiquitous as it is relentless. Yet even in this ceaseless progression of degeneration and oblivion, new byproducts are created, and by studying the wake of the destruction one may come to know the chaotic, obliterative force that spawned it. What, then, may we come to understand of our society when we observe one such as worm? What state have we devolved into, that such an offspring arises? Is it a credit to or a condemnation of our proud North American culture of two centuries, that one of such uncompromising perspective has come to be? This accumulation of detritus and errata, this nebulous distend of the host body... do we shave it off, or do we frame it? Whither the worm?
(secondhand info) - One of many "Christians" in the scene, Xian enjoys dancing at Hard Mondays and attending the occasional shows, when a band can be bothered to stop by Mpls. en route from Wisconsin to Illinois. He is also an avid fan of Charlie Chaplin films and, in certain company, may confess to being something of a sci-fi geek.
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