(direct source) - "Red Hair (frizzy I guess, my hands is my comb most of the time)
Black Coat (almost pea-coat like, not as thick, heavy and long, different material, nicer)
Levis (maybe cut-off at the bottom)
Either look very bored, disturbed , angry (but am not really) or it looks like I am on something (maybe)"
(secondhand info) - Besides being a talented, published author and an intrinsic rivethead, notTHATtodd makes a comfortable living by determining the sex of baby platypi still in the egg, an in-demand profession for the illegal platypus pit-fighting circuit. Most of his income is frittered away on biomechanic upgrades, such as IR cyberoptics, a 12-load Sidewinder launcher in his right forearm and complete replacement of both of his legs.
(secondhand info) - The elusive and wily Paskow is apparently some kind of DJ around here, having worked at some fairly reputable clubs and event nights; what is less well-known about him is just about everything. Much confusion as to the reason for this revolves around the premise that he is shy, retiring, reclusive, emotionally unavailable, etc. The truth is that he actually didn't exist until a few years ago - he was rapidly produced, vat-grown, from a stewing chemical combination including shark cartilage and the regenerative DNA of rattus norvegicus. He was released at a point in his development equivalent to our late-teen years. Neuroengineering technology being what it was, it was impossible to program him with a history and attendant fabricated memories. This means he loves to hear your jokes, if you get to meet him, because he has guaranteedly never heard any of them before; similarly, re-runs are a nigh-alien concept to him.
Pied Piper
(direct source) - Married, 30, lives in St. Paul. Experienced musician (bass, keyboards, guitars, etc.) who has a passing interest in the scene and drops by when he can. (That's right, kids, he's a poseur...but a harmless poseur at that.) Formerly a member of Zurround, he is now working in a local folk group, Lojo Russo & Funks Grove. However, he is still interested in, and supportive of, all local and national practitioners of darkwave and the like. Other interests include: pop culture, theatre, world religions, literature, computers, and satire.
(direct source) - "Born in Minneapolis, raised in the 'burbs, and am currently living near Uptown. For money I whore myself to one of this country's more evil financial institutions. That will change (some day) when I find some other way to support my entirely hectic lifestyle. For fun I usually just hang out with friends, be it for movies, games, parties, nightclubs, or to sit around and talk (I have a tendency to become a relationship counselor for friends, I can't explain why). I can be found at Gators in Hell of America on Sunday nights and Hard Mondays at Saloon...if I'm not there, I'm either in the hospital or out of state! I'm also a wannabe-dj, which means I don't do much other than the occasional party. Currently, I've been listening to a lot of Project Pitchfork, VNV Nation, Joy Division, Portishead, and Moby (I tend to phase through my music collection, so this is just at the time of writing). I'm not "goth", though I've been accused of it. I'm just a silly, bouncy, caring, loyal, moody, extroverted, neurotic (who isn't?), sarcastic, intelligent girl who has a lot of black clothing and generally listens to electronic, industrial, danceable music! Yup. That's me."
(secondhand info) - "a regular of Hard Mondays for the past few years and quite possibly the most friendly person in these cities."
Sabrina Quid
(secondhand info) - Sabrina is the spanse of onyx silence between intermittantly creaking floorboards in an old Victorian house; she's the scent of cedar and sandalwood upon swinging wide the door of a closet that has not been opened for a very long time. Her poetry does more than command the attention of the reader - it places a firm grip upon his throat and throws him backwards through time, right into the mindset of the spark of genius that created many of the otherworldly inventions we enjoy today. If you can imagine what it was like to lose your breath in the brief moment of realizing that what you see before you has the potential to shape the future, to completely rewrite the world with which you are familiar, then you can begin to appreciate what it is like to associate with Frau Quid.
(direct source) - "Came from Tucson, AZ. the land of "clickish", pretentious, stuck up asshole goths, and im looking for REAL friends! :) (im a huge tear garden/lycia/ slowdive fan) Me and my roomate have a HTML/web design company, i DJ, i miss my kitty, i hate my ex girlfriend (reason for moving)."
SeXi LeXi
(direct source) - "Part of the Darkside scene from the mid eighties to the present. Board Member of NachtMusik, Inc., Creator of the now defunct zine LeXiCoN, currently working at The Saloon, club that hosts Hard Mondays. Wife of 7 years to Michael and mother of two beautiful little girls. My eldest daughter is the model on the Projekt Records "Dark Excelsius II: A Winter's Song" CD. My mission is to have fun and keep all the children of the night in line. Called "Queen of the Mpls Darkside" scene by some but "Bitch" by most. Those who know me best call me "SeXi LeXi oh Dyslexic One". And still others call me "Scully". Get to know me and find out for yourself.
Favorites at the moment: Purple, Gloom Cookie, being crafty, Praga Kahn, Autumn, VNV Nation, Chicago, Denver.
"We will live for Siouxsie, We will die for Siouxsie. SiouXsie is our God!"
Come back soon CiVi.
(direct source) - "I love a good debate even if it means a hot, firey, flame-war. I've studied pagan religions for about 7 years because they acknowledge the need for both male and female in nature. I don't believe the idea that one is better than the other, just very different. I draw and paint. I like every kind of music, but not every singer or musician. Dark ambient is my favorite."
(direct source) - "I moved to MN from Army service in S.Korea in '91, moved to Minneapolis in '96. My first group of friends was a close-knit nest of computer geeks and art-types, and this slowly bled over into the darksider community. I used to listen to KJ104 and REV105 before they were bought out; I read the Twin Cities Reader before it was shut down; I visited The Cage before it folded; I was part of the rise and fall of VisionShift and Last Exit; Hard Mondays, such as it was, finally bit the bullet. Nothing good lasts for long in this town."
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