(direct source) - "I've lived in Minneapolis more or less for the past four years. I make words and music and occasionally visually art. I am a solitary person, so if you see me on rare occasions at GZ or a concert, you probably won't know me. Fav bands include Skinny Puppy, Pigface, Throbbing Gristle, Thrill Kill Kult, Psychic TV, VNV, and too many more to list here. www.afragmentedmachinery.com is my little piece of hell on the web, psycho-delic dark industrial mayhem for yr eyes, ears, and mind."
(direct source) - "aka dj bluehaired harlequin- local sound designer, dj and musician. former guitarist for (insert adjectives here) Dies Irae !US before their dissembly in 1999. Founder and cohost of legendary radio program "The Descent" on Radio K before it went offline in january of 2003 after nearly six years of service. Currently performs danceable noisey technoid under the DISSOCIATE moniker. Co-hosts ELECTRO-TANK with fellow producer and conspirator [SPACE BAR] every last Sunday of the month @ The Lab in St. Paul. Slacker day job is in a near campus book store. Very, very shy - occasionally acts under the delusion of channeling Conan O'Brien- approach with caution, make no threatening gestures."
kat vicious
(direct source) - To describe Kat: "Tempest in a cauldron, reluctant poet, and intermittently agitated feline." -- Dirge
(secondhand info) - Lady Phaedra Annik is an accomplished photographer who has compiled an impressive portfolio of band photographs, found at http://fade.to/londonisfalling. Also she is a rabid Stevie Nicks fan and would appreciate being recognized as such. She doesn't make many public appearances: it is rumored she is nothing but a dirty neo-Calvinist and is planning a coup of Xcel Energy.
Laser Bitch
(direct source) - "Oftentimes known as 'the Bitch', I've adopted the longer online moniker of Laser Bitch. I can sometimes be seen at concerts, certain local gatherings, but rarely at the clubs because the distance/driving time (from St Cloud where I dwell to Mpls/St Paul where things generally happen) vs. my whacked up schedule can be frustrating after a grueling day at work. I've been a flickering presence in and around the scene since 1997, which is about the same time I was introduced to the other side of life. At this point, the music is more important to me than the fashion, but I still can't resist a chance to deck myself out for outings or pose for photo shoots with my husband.
I'm sure I and said husband are recognized by many, known by few."
"What is any of this to us? Time is endless and ours. Love and death are only the games we play in it."
--Tanith Lee, Delirium's Mistress
(direct source) - "Everyone denies ever having met him." -Tom Waits
It's true you know. Apparently there is some strange aura about me that causes me to be unseen, or just confused with about 150 other people.
My support of the scene equates to me going to concerts when I can, which is more than I used to be able to (just trust me on this last part), and getting my fix of some local bands, such as All the Pretty Horses, Psychopop, and Autumn. And even though this had next to nothing to do with the scene, I am working on getting a comic-book published ... as much as I can, that is, without an artist.
I have affectionately been called a "fiend." What kind of "fiend," however will be left up to your imagination. I'm a private sort. Although, let me just dispel one possibility. I have NEVER, EVER "lived above the chemist," and I never intend to. Gawd, I'm boring, aren't I?
Enough of me rambling about myself in my own words...now I'll use someone else's:
"The athlete who takes pride in running faster than another knows that he has overcome his natural lethargy and trained his body to accept the punishment of the race. The musician who takes pride in his composition or his performance has the right to be proud, because he has
created an expression of his discipline and his control. Insofar as we may do a good thing from instinct, we feel, or ought to feel, less pride in accomplishment than if we had done it through self-control and careful thought; through the domination of the brain over the body. I think my
entire life is an effort to secure the command of my brain over my body."
"No, I take that back. I don't like being approached on the street, or by charities, because they make me think that I owe them something because I have a share in whatever brought them to this state, and that is untrue and irritating. Whether it be some bum on the street,
or a huge billboard depicting starving children in Africa, they are saying, "If your life is better than this, it's your fault mine isn't as good," and I just won't accept the guilt for that. I didn't build this world, I don't control it, and when I succor a friend, or even a stranger, it is because I want to.
I feel no shame because, though I bear the guilt for my actions, I refuse to accept the blame for things with which I had nothing to do, and I don't do things for which I ought to feel shame. I am not without a conscience; I merely have no need for shame."
-Steven Brust (if you wish to know what book they are from, mail me and I'll tell you, as you really should read it.)
"pass the crystal, spread the tarot
in illusion comfort lies." -a.e.
"Tyranny is always better organized than freedom." -Charles Peguy
(secondhand info) - Bassist for the local emo legend Autumn, (former) admin for the Darkside/Hardline e-lists and all around computer geek.
Contact Autumn
(secondhand info) - Here from Chicago (which she likes better than Mpls.), Lila has taken pains to ingratiate herself with the local scene. Reclusive, contemplative, yet always with a smile and a kind word for friend and stranger alike, she doesn't come out for dancing much but enjoys the Hong Kong movie schedule at Riverview. She is arguably one of the local scene's better-known participants.
(secondhand info) - Very little is known about Lux. The Dread Reverend spotted her on a newsgroup, discerned from context that she lived in the Mpls./St. Paul area, even worked in Uptown at a hair salon. Her picture was posted in the newsgroup and added to the Gallery; she has, to date, staunchly resisted all attempts to contact her, however, and sits here only to increase the numbers.
Miss Delirium
(direct source) - "I am convinced that the only people worthy of consideration in this world are the unusual ones. For the common folk are like the leaves of a tree, and live and die unnoticed."
-- The Scarecrow of OZ
(direct source) - "There are many paths. Some lead to the end, some back to the beginning. All contain joy and tradegy. Each step down that road, reminds us who we are inside. Choose a path to travel: Heart, Mind, Body or Spirt. Which one you choose, depends on what you seek and what you dare."
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