(direct source) - "I'm 23. Live near the cities. I dont do much really. The "scene"?... I go to the clubs near weekly. Go to shows as much as the budget shall allow me. I'd be more into the scene if I knew the avenues. I write quite a bit, design web pages for an occupation, take care of my son for work. I've been on the ~darklist~ for about a year now, I'm not all that active anymore. Granola-Goth, animal-lover, caretaker to all I can be. I make my impressions where I can, but I'd rather sit back and enjoy the show."
(direct source) - "Keep in mind that I am not a part of this 'scene' in any way, except maybe to cause trouble for all these onlist assholes. Nobody likes me, nobody respects me, and I rarely attend any functions, cuz most of them don't meet my standards."
(direct source) - "I like my men like I like my meat - tenderized."
(secondhand info) - Long-time controversial figure in the Mpls. Darkside scene, lead vocals and lyricist for local gothrock greats Dies Irae ! US before he was canned on his ass May '99.
(secondhand info) - Danarchy, unlike croissants, is not French, though once he stood next to a bottle of French's mustard in a grocery store. While it is quite true that he is a great fan of hardcore, oldschool industrial, and is also a 16th LV computer geek ne plus ultra, diligent research leads us to understand that he resorted to computers only after a dismal career as a door-to-door endive and caper salesman, again, in the French Pyranees. It must be iterated at this juncture that in no way is he French, however, and he will not eat you if you are an aspirin or a rock or other things.
(direct source) - Dirge, or Lucikitten as he was known in the Dark Humor Theatre Company, isn't really a Darksider. Hell, he's not even a Goth. Look at the pathetic attempt he's making here to "fit-in" by wearing that face makeup, spiked collar, and electro-luminescent halo.
Go on, just look at him. He can't even dance. Pathetic.
When he's not on some sort of divine mission to try and return the radio spectrum to the public who owns it, or trying to legalize low-power radio, this sorry-assed wannabe is probably wasting away with someone's computer trying to get it to work, or
do something its designers never really intended it to do. He's supposed to be pretty good at that stuff. He might just be out at a show somewhere, seeing some absolutely lame band, or he could be at home baking cookies, of all things, with that psychotic roommate of his, Blitzkrieg.
He is worthy only of your contempt, ridicule, and scorn. Shun him at all opportunities, and make rude comments about his choice of spiked leather collars whenever possible.
(direct source) - Never late for a rainstorm, Doktor Fetish is a spectacle for blind eyes. He butters his toast on both sides, but his thunderous silence is like a mourning glory. Reflecting the world like a fun-house mirror, he loses himself in the dreams of others. He always counts backwards because he knows his days are numbered.
Please to also visit the Doktor's Suicide Sanctum.
(direct source) - "Not as bad as you think I am.
"Not as good, either..."
(secondhand info) - >"i'm 27 and i live in minneapolis. i have been in the 'goth' scene since 1988. i haven't lived in minneapolis the entire time, i was in philadephia, wisconsin, and missouri from mid-1994 to summer-2000. my passion is makeup, but i haven't been doing as much lately as i really would like to. i have done film, photography (both color and black and white) and runway makeup, if anyone is looking for someone to do makeup for a shoot, etc. i'm always available, email me! i used to cut hair, but have taken an extended break from that. i also like to take photos, i grew up around a darkroom, my parents did commercial black and white printing, so i was always helping my dad in the darkroom. i am the single mom to 2 wonderful sons, who split time between me here in mpls and their father in some southern hick state (don't ask). i like to travel, and plan to do much more of it in the future. i've started a tradition of going out of the country every year. so far i've been to germany, england and ireland."
(direct source) - "I am actively involved in Leaping Laughter Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis. My interests include: OTO, thelema, body piercing, sculpture, digital photography, webpage design, and middle eastern dance."
(direct source) - Eve Ghost currently resides in St. Paul, and is editor of the upcoming zine, EkklectiK. She is also a trained vocalist with some ability to play bass, keyboards, and rhythm guitar as well. Author of upcoming book The Gemini Saints, excerpts of which can be read on the EkklectiK website. Visual artist working in acrylics, charcoal, and wood burn. Always looking for new musical projects to contribute vocals to. In love with all that is gutterglam and single-handedly keeps glitter factories in business. Now taking submissions for the zine at her email address and website.
Matt Feigal
(secondhand info) - Long-time supporter of the local Renaissance Festival, Matt has since grown and evolved into a kind of bondage-goth. Travelling around the world with his young friend and companion, the lovely Sharon Feigal (nee Thompson), he aids the forces of law and order by keeping potential rowdies and ne'er-do-wells locked up in his household for enormous theme parties. Were it not for his containment techniques, St. Paul would surely be reduced to little more than heaps of stone and twisted metal.
Sharon Feigal
(secondhand info) - Sharon Thompson lives in a perfectly ducky little house in St. Paul, far away from nearly all of her friends. She is known for holding smashing theme parties that are enthusiastically attended, sometimes even by people she knows. Currently she and Matthew Feigal are formulating grand and significant plans for the future, and we all wait with baited breath for their fruition!
(direct source) - We all wonder what lies beneath the skin of one another. There is way to much for me to say that lies underneath mine. I live an underground life, rejected by most society. You may ask why? Well it is because I am what society calls a deviant. I step out of the norm and do what I feel is right. Those things we are taught when we are a child I still carry, unlike most suburbians.
Tyan Grundstrom
(direct source) - Sort of a perky goth, shows up at Hard Mondays and other events. Would-be student and artist, but currently uninspired and apathetic in both pursuits.
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